"Lauren Wolk is a warm and inspiring presenter who engages participants with respect and intelligence.  Examples used to illustrate problems of the writing craft were drawn from her own work and showed in detail the choices and adjustments a writer makes to arrive at polished storytelling. She is a serious and encouraging guide for anyone hoping to improve their writing."

To watch a recent interview with Josh and Abigail, visit:


Wolk is available to present and/or teach at libraries, schools, conferences, book fairs, and festivals worldwide. She has taught students of all ages and abilities and made presentations to a wide range of audiences.

Her school/library visits typically include a slide presentation and talk about her books and writing process followed by a Q&A and, if appropriate, a book signing. Lauren can also build a writing activity into her visit.

To book a workshop, seminar, reading/presentation, or other author event, please contact Andrea Cruise, Penguin Author Appearance Coordinator, Penguin Young Readers Group, at PYRAuthorVisits@prh.com. For other information, please contact Lizzie Goodell at lgoodell@penguinrandomhouse.com or Shanta Newlin at snewlin@penguinrandomhouse.com

"Listening and learning with Lauren Wolk was like being in a master class!  What a fantastic opportunity."